Teacher gay sex story

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What my classmates didn't know was that she pulled on my hair with her fingers and caused me a great deal of pain. Once, when I repeatedly disrupted the class with stupid observations about what we were studying, Miss Moore came over to me, placed her hand on my head and told me gently to calm down and to behave. But when a situation got out of hand, she could be subtly, yet effectively punishing. Usually her stern demeanor was sufficient to maintain order.

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Miss Moore did not tolerate any disorder or horse play in her classroom. She knew what teaching was all about, and she was devoted to her job, her profession. Her face was so pretty, so lovely, yet one could discern strength in it. She had modest breasts, and when she wore a jacket over her blouse, one could not detect any sign of them. Still, one could see her bare calves and lower arms, which were so perfectly shaped that one could imagine, as I did, that she was perfect all over. She had dark hair, and at school she always dressed conservatively. She was twenty eight years old and was unmarried, although I'm sure that she had received many proposals, because she was slender and beautiful.

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Miss Moore was my home room teacher in the seventh grade, and she also taught English.

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